I wanted to share a few thoughts on reading through the Bible in a year, and whether or not I’d recommend it.
First of all, I’m so glad I’ve almost read the Bible cover to cover. It’s been helpful to have the context of the entire Bible, and I read passages of Scripture that I doubt I would have chosen to read on my own. There’s definitely a place in the Christian’s life to read the Bible cover to cover,
If you decide to read through the Bible in a year, below are a few suggestions:
Select a Manageable Plan
The plan I used was five days a week, instead of seven. That gave me time to catch up or to linger a bit longer in the pages of Scripture. Here’s a link to the plan I used. I selected a chronological plan, and I loved reading through the Bible in this order. There are a gazillion different plans, but I urge you to carefully consider what type of plan will help you to succeed.
If I’d done a seven day a week plan, I truly don’t think I would have gotten as far as I have. Yes, I’m still a bit behind, but I’ll finish soon. For my personal success, I needed a plan that didn’t feel overwhelming.
Give Yourself Grace
If you get behind, don’t give up! Remember that there’s nothing magical about reading through the Bible in a year, but reading the Bible is always transformative. If it takes you longer than a year, that’s completely okay! Allow yourself to delight in the word of God, and not worry too much about finishing on a certain day or meeting a certain deadline. Goals are helpful, but don’t sacrifice your joy in the Scriptures on the altar of completion.
Define Your “Why”
It’s important to know why you want to read through the Bible. This will help keep you going when you feel like giving up. Do you want to gain greater context of the Bible? Do you want to see how Christ reigns supreme in the pages of Scripture? Do you want to see God’s promises on display? Figure out the “why” behind your reading, and tape it to the front of your Bible.
Share Your Goal
Be bold about verbally sharing your goal to read through the Bible with other people. Have a group of people who will regularly ask how it’s going, and what they can do to help support you in your good endeavor. By sharing your goal, you’re building in accountability for yourself!
Other Thoughts On Reading Through The Bible In A Year
I’m looking forward to slowing down and going deeper into Scripture. In the future, I plan on reading the Bible cover to cover again, but I think I’d opt for a two year plan instead of a year. That would give me more time to digest and process what I was reading. I often found myself reading at a rapid pace, just to check the box, and later realizing that I rushed too quickly through the passages of Scripture.
This year, I’ve selected six books of the Bible that I want to study in depth. Garrett Kell wrote an article I found to be helpful on the topic of Bible Reading – 3 Ways I Plan to Read The Bible Less in 2018. It’s important to plan out what you’d like to read in Scripture, but be willing to alter you plans and listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
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