One of my favorite places to turn when I’m feeling scared, anxious or sad is the book of Psalms. I’ve been feeling all of those emotions (and more) over the past few weeks, as we adjust to life in the midst of this global pandemic. And I know I’m not the only one feeling those things.
Each month, I read through the book of Psalms. In an effort to slow down, I’ve created little challenges for myself and will search out every verse with a certain characteristic of God, or a certain word or phrase. This practice makes me more attentive and alert to the text, instead of going through the motions.
In April, I’m going to be writing down every mention of the phrase “steadfast love”. I’ve done this before and it was extraordinarily beneficial for my soul, as I was reminded of how deeply loved I am, and how many reminders of God’s character I found in Scripture. I think we could all use some encouragement and hope. As God’s children, it’s so helpful to meditate upon who God is, and the promises He’s made to us.
When the world seems to be falling apart, we can rest in God’s sure and steady love for us.
Psalms Reading Challenge:
1. Read 5 Psalms a day
2. Write down every verse containing “steadfast love”
3. Meditate on God’s steadfast and enduring love for His children.
A Few Notes:
- The last time I did this, I wrote down the verses in an Evernote document. This time, I’m going to handwrite the verses in a journal.
- I use the ESV translation. Sometimes after I read the verses in my physical Bible, I’ll listen to them. It helps me pick up on things I might not pick up if I’m just reading with my eyes.
- If you join me and share on social media, use the hashtag #SteadfastLoveinThePsalms, so we can all join in together!
- I created a graphic you can share on social media.
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