I thought it would be fun to change things up this week and write a “Friday Favorites” post, sharing some of my favorite things recently!!
1) Morning Exercise Outside
Recently, I’ve been making it a priority to exercise before I head into work. If I wait until after work, the likelihood that I’ll make an excuse and skip it increases exponentially. So, I’ve been setting my alarm 30 minutes earlier and getting outside for some exercise (walking or a light jog) It’s a really peaceful and relaxing way to start my morning, especially in Autumn!!
2) Praying the Bible – Don Whitney
My friend David gave me Praying the Bible at a conference a few weeks ago, and it’s excellent!! It’s a short, quick and easy read, but is making a big impact on me!
Whitney’s main thesis is that people don’t enjoy prayer, because they pray the same old things all the time, get bored, and don’t pray as often as they know they should. But if we use the Bible as a guide, and pray through the Bible, we’ll never run out of ways to pray for something.
I’ve really been enjoying it – it’s a very practical book, and I highly recommend it!!
3) Sending Birthday Cards
Birthdays are a big deal to me, and I try really hard to celebrate the birthday’s of those I care about. Since so many of my friends live far away, I’ve put their birthdays on the calendar, with a reminder a week out, so I can get a birthday card in the mail!! I buy a large pack of birthday cards online, so I always have them on hand!! I like these and these!!
On my wishlist
This Yeti coffee mug! (How adorable is it?!)
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