Hello there! I’m Chelsea Patterson Sobolik.
I’m so glad you’ve dropped by my corner of the internet. Thank you. There are many places and spaces you could be right now, and I count it an honor that you’re here.
A little bit about me:
I live and work in our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., and I’m married to my sweetheart, Michael. We are finalizing the adoption of our son from India. I was adopted internationally and care deeply about vulnerable children, domestic and abroad.
By day, I’m the Director of Government Relations at World Relief, a global Christian humanitarian organization and the largest Evangelical refugee resettlement in the U.S. At World Relief, we seek to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable and I work on public policies that touch internationally displaced people, refugees and migrants.
My work is driven by a deep faith in God and a desire to see His love and justice reflected in the world. Scripture declares that every person is created in the image of God and has innate dignity, worth, and value. This conviction has led me to advocate for the most vulnerable members of society.
Previously, I worked for the nation’s largest Evangelical adoption agency, for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and on Capitol Hill.
My writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, National Review, Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, Risen Motherhood, and other outlets.
Longing for Motherhood: Holding On to Hope in the Midst of Childlessness
My first book Longing for Motherhood: Holding On to Hope in the Midst of Childlessness released in 2018 with Moody Publishers. This is the book I wish I’d seen on the shelves when I was first diagnosed with a somewhat rare medical condition that prevents me from bearing babies. I share about my own journey of childlessness, and messy path toward hope and healing.
Whether your dream of being a mother has been shattered by infertility, miscarriage, or prolonged singleness, you are not alone. In this book, I explore the following topics:
- Grieving unfulfilled desires
- Trusting God in seasons of sorrow
- Holding onto hope in the midst of longing and suffering
- Finding purpose when a traditional mothering role isn’t an option
Called to Cultivate: A Gospel Vision for Women and Work
My next book Called to Cultivate: A Gospel Vision for Women and Work releases on October 3! You can preorder now! I wrote this book because I believe all women have a vital role to play in the flourishing of the church, their communities, and the kingdom of God through their work.
Overview of the Book:
Women are an integral part in God’s call to work—to create and advance God’s kingdom. But work looks different for each one of us. Whether in the home, with children, or in a professional environment—or some combination of all of these—women are cultivating a world of beauty, truth, and hope. Work, whether it’s professional or in other avenues of society, is an act of cultivation that involves developing something or someone to be better. Even if you don’t receive a paycheck, you’re still working. Caring for children and homes, volunteering in our communities, leading a Bible study, or caring for aging parents is God-given work.
Work, whether it’s professional or in other avenues of society, is an act of cultivation that involves developing something or someone to be better.
In the book, I seek to provide a robust theological foundation as I engage with our most pressing questions:
How do I glorify the Lord with my work?
How do I balance work and life?
Is it wrong for me to pursue my career ambitions?
What does it mean to be a Christian in the workplace?
How do I respectfully stand up for myself at work?
How do I discern my calling?